
Optimization Shape Stability for Printed Precast Column Using Matric Suction Effect

This study employs the slip-form printing method, different type with conventional additive printing method. Also, a lab-scale vertical printing device for precast member was developed. In the case of printing through an additive printing method, reinforcing bars is difficult. To improve this difficulty, a slip-form type printing method was used.
Shape stability is the property of maintaining its own shape without elastic buckling and plastic collapse. For vertical printing, the height of the layer is significantly greater than additive printing. So, the shape stability is an important factor in determining printing possibility.
To satisfy the shape stability of vertical printing member, the matric suction effect is applied. This effect comes from Soil water characteristic curve. The effect of matric suction makes attraction between materials.
By this concept, the aim of this study is to manufacture vertical printed precast concrete that satisfy the shape stability using matric suction effect.


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