Railway Timetabling and Capacity
The timetable is an essential element of rail traffic control. By inserting train paths into a time-table, the infrastructure capacity is assigned to the train moves. To establish a conflict-free timetable, models are needed to evaluate the capacity consumption both of individual train paths and of traffic patterns with a mix of different train types. In this E-book, after a short introduction to some basic terms on railway operations, the modelling of train paths is ex-plained. Based on this, the following chapters cover the capacity evaluation of the infrastruc-ture and the methods to establish feasible timetables.
This E-books was originally written as a tutorial for students at TU Braunschweig to support lectures on railway planning and operations.
Dieses E-Book entstand als Tutorial für ein neues englischsprachiges Modul, das ab WS 2024/25 in mehreren Masterstudiengängen an der TU Braunschweig angeboten wird. Es soll künftig auch in internationalen Lehrkooperationen zum Einsatz kommen.