A protocol for reliable real-time wireless communication of large data samples
In this paper, we present a middleware protocol, that transmits larger-than-a-frame data samples within application
real-time and reliability requirements over a lossy wireless channel. The protocol efficiently deploys an intelligent retransmission control that exploits the extended deadline requirements of a sample for frame-level scheduling. The transmission of such samples is placed in the context of the necessary integration of such external sensor data into the decision-making process of an autonomous vehicle. Therefore, we provide parameterization and access rules for communication links in resource-managed scenarios and lay out how to integrate the protocol into the popular DDS middleware. The performance of the parameterized links to satisfy their reliability requirements is studied and compared to error protection protocols in the current software stack. We base the evaluation on an OMNeT++ simulation, whereby an established wireless error model is used. The use case is placed in the context of collaborative sensing in a valet parking environment, where external infrastructure sensor data augments the autonomous vehicle’s data processing chain via a lossy wireless link. Thereby, the use case adheres to the underlying safety requirements. Results show that if the protocol’s awareness of the application requirements is used for parameterization, guarantees for reliability can be provided that outperform existing solutions.
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