Photographs of cross-section of automated reinforcement integration in Shotcrete 3D Printing through green state milling
This data was generated in association with the paper: The concept presented in paper assumes reinforcement integration is Shotcrete 3D Printed elements by 1) spraying the core of the element; 2) milling of grooves before concrete hardens and installation of reinforcement bars; 3) spraying the concrete cover. It investigates influence of milling (time and notch geometry) and spraying (time) parameters on quality of obtained element in terms of voids, spraying shadows, etc. After fabrication of elements with given fabrication parameters and hardening of concrete (minimum 7 days), they were sliced to reveal the cross-section. The slices where photographed. These photographs are presented in the current dataset. See readme file and paper for more details.
Dörrie, R., Kloft, H., Sawicki, B., Freund, N., & Lowke, D. (2024, September 4). Automated reinforcement integration in Shotcrete 3D Printing through green state milling. 4th RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication DC 2024, ISBN 978-3-031-70030-9, RILEM 2024.