Dynamik, Fluktuationen und Trends in der Neophytenflora der Stadt Herne im Zentrum des Ballungsraums Ruhrgebiet
The city of Herne lies within the center of the Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, and there-fore, within one of the largest metropolitan areas in Central Europe. Thus, the impact on urban landscapes and habitats can be assessed as very strong due to the high number of anthropogenic activities such as gardening, settlement, building, and trade. As a result, the flora of the city of Herne is largely altered in comparison to natural floras and shows a high number of non-native species, including archaeophytes, neophytes, and industriophytes. Herein, the character of the flora of Herne is described with emphasis on the adventive flora and taxa that are new either for the city of Herne, the Ruhr Area, the state North Rhine-Westphalia, or the entire Federal Repub-lic of Germany. Additionally, an evaluation of their tendencies of establishment and spread is also given as well as a critical discussion on their status.