
Dynamic interaction of friction and surface topography in brake systems

The paper deals with a numerical method to describe friction pro-cesses regarding the interaction between friction and wear on the boundary layer. On the basis of existing works (e.g. [4],[6]), where the boundary layer dynamics of brake systems is brought into differential equations, in this work the boundary surface is dicretisated by a Cel-lular Automaton, which is able to reproduce the topography of a fric-tional surface. The equilibrium of flow, that depends on the wear par-ticle flow and patch-growing and –destroying processes, can be pic-tured detailed as well as the dynamics of the temperature. This de-tailed topography makes it possible to have a closer look at local ef-fects. As a result of a Cellular-Automaton-simulation with a first sim-ple set of rules new periodic solutions for the friction coefficient μ have been detected.


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