Design of Hybrid-Laminar-Flow-Control Wing and Suction System for Transonic Mid-range Aircraft
Hybrid Laminar Flow Control (HLFC) has shown significant promise in the viscous drag reduction of aircraft. However, the use of HLFC for commercial applications requires further simplification. The current study proposes tools for the conceptual design of transonic HLFC wing and suction system. In the first part of the study, airfoil sections for the wing are optimized for minimum total drag using a multi-objective genetic algorithm approach at six span-wise locations. The induced drag of the wing is estimated using a vortex lattice method solver. In the second part of the study, suction system design is performed using ASPeCT, an in-house solver for HLFC system design. A simplified inner structure for the suction system is proposed, which can be integrated easily within the wing structure. A total drag penalty approach is proposed to establish a trade-off between matching the target suction distribution and the complexity of the suction system. Finally, the additional weight and off-design performance of the suction system are analyzed for a +/- 0.1 change in the design lift coefficient. A maximum fuel reduction of 7 % can be expected with the HLFC system taking into account the additional weight added and power off-take from the engine.
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