elPaSo Core - Elementary parallel solver core module for high performance vibroacoustic simulations
The dataset contain the software publication artifacts for the software "elPaSo Core - Elementary parallel solver core module for high performance vibroacoustic simulations" versioned 23.01.2. The research code “Elementary Parallel Solver (elPaSo)” is the in-house vibroacoustic simulation tool constantly developed since 1996 at TU Braunschweig, presently extended and maintained by the Institute for Acoustics (InA), TU Braunschweig, Germany. The tool is used extensively for research and teaching for many years. The whole elPaSo project includes the core software written in C++ and other assisting in-house tools written in python. elPaSo offers a wide range of features and facilitates efficient computations in HPC clusters to support parallel computing of large-scale high-fidelity vibroacoustic models. Moreover, the project is built on a flexible and modular framework to support new research features and potential collaborations.