Building stock and associated resource consumption in three neighbourhoods of Qingdao (China) – Version 1.0
In this study, focusing on the city of Qingdao as a case study, life cycle resource use and carbon emission were investigated on the basis of typified buildings. A matrix of building carbon intensity was established, which can be used as a benchmark in design practice. It simplifies the process of estimation especially on large scale such as neighbourhood or city, and still remain the sensibility to design changes. The data contains building footprints of three neighbourhoods in Qingdao containing information on building function, “r“ or “c“ (“residential“ and “commercial“ respectively), building height, number of stories, building area, and resource usage. Based on satellite imagery by ESRI and validated through field research. A second part describes the borders for the three neighbourhoods. The data is provided as a file geodatabase (.gdb) including two components, a file geodatabase table and a file geodatabase feature class. File geodatabase feature class contains shapes of the building footprints, site borders, and data on energy usage.