Technical Note: On the Production and Accuracy of CNC-Manufactured Hydraulic Scale Models
This Technical Note addresses the workflow for the production of hydraulic scale models using a Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) production technique and investigates the possibilities to accurately reproduce topographical roughness features. Focusing on the construction of three scale models of unlined rock blasted tunnels, their accuracy is evaluated based on the comparison of differences between scaled prototype point clouds obtained by terrestrial laser scanning, spatially filtered meshes that served as input for the milling of the models, and digital twins of the constructed models that were created by Structure from Motion photogrammetry. The direct comparison between the point clouds and meshes as well as the comparison of derived statistical parameters show that the models could be reproduced with a high degree of accuracy. Observed deviations between the point clouds of the milled models and the milling meshes, as well as the scaled original point cloud, are identified and discussed in light of the production technique and the accuracy of the applied methods for the comparison.