Comparison of Hysteresis Based PWM Schemes ΔΣ-PWM and Direct Torque Control
This paper presents the differences and similarities of ΔΣ-PWM as a hysteresis-based PWM scheme with direct torque control (DTC) using simulation models. The variable switching frequency caused by the hysteresis element is examined with regard to its instantaneous values. The comparison is based on an equal maximum switching frequency as a design criterion. With this first assumption, the variation of the instantaneous switching frequency is higher when using DTC because of the temporary prioritization of one inverter leg. Besides the lower variation, ΔΣ-PWM shows a higher average switching frequency. Because the switching frequency is related to the torque ripple, the usage of ΔΣ-PWM results in a smaller torque ripple. Due to the dependence of torque ripple on switching frequency, a second comparison is carried out based on the same average switching frequency. In this comparison the ΔΣ-PWM shows higher torque ripple than DTC.