Die Bedeutung von Parks und Friedhöfen für einheimische und verwilderte Frühjahrs-Geophyten
Urbanization and the accompanying degradation of semi-natural habitats enhance the importance of parks and cemeteries as habitats and refuges for many plant species. We surveyed native and non-native spring geophytes (Chionodoxa, Crocus, Eranthis, Leucojum, Gagea, Galanthus, Muscari and Scilla) in selected parks and cemeteries of Göttingen. Location, naturalization status, frequency and habitat preferences for light, structural conditions, management intensity and trampling tol-erance of 20 species were recorded. The importance of the parks and cemeteries under study for native and adventive spring geophytes escaping from cultivation was evidenced by the occurrence of considerable plant populations. Contrary to current naturalization status information for Low-er Saxony, some species (Chionodoxa luciliae, Crocus tommasinianus, Crocus vernus, Eranthis hyemalis und Galanthus woronowii) seem to have formed (tendentially) established populations. In agreement with studies in other North German cities, the significance of parks and cemeteries for many of the recorded taxa could be demonstrated from a regional perspective. Parks and cemeteries pro-vide, not only in Göttingen, habitats for relict occurrences of two red-listed native species (Gagea pratensis and Gagea villosa) and host, as relicts of historic plantings, naturalized ornamental plants (“Stinsenpflanzen”).