
Die Flora der Dörfer unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Niedersachsen / von Dietmar Brandes unter Mitarbeit von Detlef Griese und Ulrich Köller

The flora of 88 villages in different regions of Lower Saxony is registered and described. A total of 380 spontaneaus species occurs in the village centres. The Arction, Onopordetalia and Sisymbrion species, in the literature called the "typical village species", are of low importance whereas species of meadows (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea), nitrophilaus skirts (Giechometalia) and weeds of arable land (Stellarietea) are very important for the vegetation cover of the villages. Only 10 ruderal species of the 380 species are high-frequent in all villages of all regions. These species are to be classified as settlement companions, most of them are to be found in towns too; only Lamium album is characteristic for villages. The floristical specialities of the several regions of Lower Saxony were pointed out, whereby the villages in the transition area lowland - hill country are found to be rich in species. In the opposite the village ruderal flora of Eastern Frisia, of the western border of the Harz Mountains and of the Heath is relatively poor in species. Besides the village centres old manors and their parks, new building areas, refuse pits as well as railways stations were investigated. The comparison of the village flora with the flora of 10 old towns in Lower Saxony shows a great similarity, however there are also some differentiating species. The village flora of Lower Saxony is compared also to the village flora of other European regions by the aid of three different methodical approaches. Informations on the village flora of Thiérache, Britanny, Liguria and Andalusia are published for the first time.


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