Analysis and Discussion of Critical Success Factors of E-mobility Interconnected IS Infrastructure
Information systems (IS) and information and communication technologies (ICT) play a key role in the applicability of E(lectro)-mobility for everyday use. Although there already exist various studies about single IS/ICT aspects of E-mobility, literature lacks of a holistic view. Our analysis and discussion sets up critical success factors (CSF) of interconnected IS infrastructure (IISI) for E-mobility. IISI represents a comprehensive IS approach for E-Mobility. We define IISI as the connection of the needed sub IS whereby each subsystem is dedicated to special purpose. With an adapted DeLone and McLean IS Success Model we identify, analyze and discuss certain CSF in line with the special characteristics of IS in E-mobility. We recommend these CSF as a basis for further research using qualitative and quantitative methods to support the evolution of E-mobility.
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