Über die Beurteilung des Gütegrades von Mischungen bei beliebigen Verteilungsgesetzen für die Korngewichte der einzelnen Mischungskomponenten
Two granular materials (P) and (Q) are mixed. The distribution functions of particle weight are supposed to be known for both components (P) und (Q). To judge the efficiency of the mixing process a statistical theory is developed to calculate the variations of the mixture's composition when samples are taken at random from the container. It is important to distinguish the notions of "volume frequency", "weight frequency", and "particle frequency" of the different components within the mixture. Single particles are supposed to obey statistical laws. The results which are stictly valid only for samples with equal numbers of particles are shown to be approximately valid for samples of equal weight (or volume), too. - The theory is generalised for mixtures consisting of three or more components.
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