Die Stämme des Tierreichs in ihrer systematischen Gliederung
Es ist Aufgabe der biologischen Systematik, die Lebewesen übersichtlich in Einheiten zusammenzufassen und sie nach phylogenetischen Gesichtspunkten zu gliedern. Die stammesgeschichtliche Forschung ist ein Gebiet von erheblicher Reichweite, und Erkenntnisse verschiedenster biologischer Arbeitsrichtungen haben im Laufe der Zeit unsere Anschauungen über die Systematik der Lebewesen wesentlich beeinflußt.
The author gives a short survey on the changes in our opinions about the classification of the different branches of animals since the time of Linnaeus. It is necessary to take into consideration not only the species now existing, but also the extinct ones. Therefore a close collaboration between the zoologists and palaeontologists is to be desired in this respect. The arrangement of the different groups of Metazoa down to the suborders may be examined at the conclusion of the German text. The commonly employed name of Decapoda for an order in the subclass of Dibranchiate Cephalopods has been substituted by Decabrachia, because the term Decapoda is preoccupied by Decapoda, suborder of the Malacostraca, subclass of crayfish; together with Decabrachia the new name of Octobrachia has been proposed for Octopoda. The subkladus for the Crustacea sens. lat., often quoted as Branchiata, is named Diantennata in connection with the peculiarities expressed by this name.
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