
Beiträge zu den Beziehungen zwischen Münzprägung und Kunst II. Die Münzprägungen der germanischen Völkerwanderungsreiche

As contrasted with the Celtic coins, on which the Greek models are liberally transformed, the coinage of the German empires of the great migration of people on the ground of the Roman empire remain entirely dependant on the images on coins from the time of the late Roman emperors. This is a fact among the Ostrogoths, the Vandals in Africa and the Langobards in Italy. On the Langobards' coins the contrary between the style of their plastic art and their ornaments and the permanent imitations of Roman coins is specially striking. In spite of all efforts to create own coinage, the Visigoths in Spain have also not been able to emancipate completely from ancient models. The same is to be said about the Franc in Gaul, whose continually more and more deformed imitations are reaching as far as into the eight century. Besides the coins, there are, especially among the North Germans, the coin-like golden jewel-bracteates, which are completely covered with a phantastic ornamentation of animals and plaited ribbons. On coins we find similar patterns only among the Anglosaxons and in the Viking settlement of Haithabu (Hedeby) in Schleswig.


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