Das Verhalten der thermoelektrischen Effekte in tiefsten Temperaturen
The thermoelectric phenomena of electronic conductors are considered using only the 3 principal laws of thermodynamics. As a consequence of the Nernst-theorem the product of electrical conductivity [sigma] and differential thermoelectric force must vanish for T -> 0. Only if lim [sigma] T->0 =/= 0, one must conclude, that the thermoelectric force disappeares in the limit T -> 0. If lim [sigma] = 0 (for instance for some semi-conductors) the theorem of Nernst gives no essential rule for the behaviour of the differential thermoelectric force at T = 0. If the Thomson coefficient [my] is given by [my] = [beta] x Tn in the neighbourhood of T = 0, the Nernst-theorem gives for the case lim [sigma] T->0 =/= 0 the condition n > 0. The hitherto accepted condition was n > 1. Thus the present theory explains the hitherto reported discrepancies between the thermodynamical and the electron theoretical treatment of the thermoelectric phenomena.
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