Die Dissoziationsenergie des Stickstoffmoleküls und ihre Bedeutung für das Nachleuchten des aktiven Stickstoffs
The dissociation energies ofthe nitrogen molecule proposed by Herzberg (7,38eV), Gaydon (9,76 eV) and Schmid and Gerö (5,0 eV) are discussed. The potential curve of the N2-ground state X1[Sigma]+g has been determined by means of the Rydbergmethod up to a vibration energy of 6,5 eV. The extrapolation of the experimentally founded curve with Morse- and Hulburt and Hirschfelder-functions leads to a dissociation energy of DN2=9,76 eV. Applying this value, the recombination of two normal 4S-atoms is considered responsible for delivering the energy of the afterglow of active nitrogen. The relation between intensity of the afterglow and temperature can be explained by a recombination process, which leads over the predissociation limit to the B3[Pi]g-state
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