Anthriscus caucalis M. BIEB. - Ein wenig beachteter Archäophyt
Anthriscus caucalis is a winter annual species which in Germany was noticed till today rarely. Its distribution in Central Europe is very nonuniform. It prefers obviously dry and/or sandy regions. In several states of Germany a reduction has to be mentioned on the one hand whereas it is able to colonize new habitats at transport installations during the last decades. The stands of Anthriscus caucalis in the northern forelands of the Harz mountains, in the eastern part of Lower Saxony as well as in the valley of the river Elbe have been investigated and arranged within the system of the plant communities. The comparison of the releve published by other authors shows that in Western and Central Europe three associations can be discerned. The releves from Germany, Austria and Slovakia all belong to Lactuco-Anthriscetum caucalidis Mucina et Zaliberova 1986, which this paper includes in Sisymbrion. At the East Frisian Islands the Claytonio-Anthriscetum caucalidis Izco, Geihu et Delelis 1977 is more likely.
Anthriscus caucalis is a winter annual species which in Germany was noticed till today rarely. Its distribution in Central Europe is very nonuniform. It prefers obviously dry and/or sandy regions. In several states of Germany a reduction has to be mentioned on the one hand whereas it is able to colonize new habitats at transport installations during the last decades. The stands of Anthriscus caucalis in the northern forelands of the Harz mountains, in the eastern part of Lower Saxony as well as in the valley of the river Elbe have been investigated and arranged within the system of the plant communities. The comparison of the releve published by other authors shows that in Western and Central Europe three associations can be discerned. The releves from Germany, Austria and Slovakia all belong to Lactuco-Anthriscetum caucalidis Mucina et Zaliberova 1986, which this paper includes in Sisymbrion. At the East Frisian Islands the Claytonio-Anthriscetum caucalidis Izco, Geihu et Delelis 1977 is more likely.
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