Die Neophyten der Elbufer im Raum Magdeburg
The neophytic flora of the river Elbe in the Magdeburg area was investigated from 2003 and 2006. 88 neophytes, 50 archeophytes and 172 native species (95 ruderal and skirt species) were found. The association of certain species is documented by plant sociological relevés. Most of the neophytes appear only at the place of introduction, but few species are growing at every suitable habitat downstream of the place of introduction. Often the bordering use of the landscape is reflected by the river side vegetation. The highest number of neophytes in the course of the river Elbe is found at urban river sides. The evaluation of the data collected so far from riparian habitats of the river Elbe, river Oker and its tributaries shows clearly: places rich in species have a high amount of neophytes, places poor in species have a low amount of neophytes.
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