Flora und Vegetation der Dörfer im nordöstlichen Burgenland
The object of this paper was to investigate and to describe the flora and the Vegetation of villages in north-eastern Burgenland (Austria). On the basis of floristical mapping of 14 villages it is possible to give Statements about the frequency of plants typical for villages. The high constancy of many species is remarkable; 88 species were to be found in at least half of the villages. The village flora of NE Burgenland is characterized by numerous continental and/or thermophilous species, whereby the part of neophytic plants is relatively high. Comparisons of village floras of other regions show — in relation to Central Europe — that there exist only a few "typical village plants". The village flora is rather different from landscape to landscape, caused especially by climatic but also edaphic and cultural-historical reasons. At the borders of the villages ruderal vegetation is developed on an extraordinary scale. 25 ruderal plant communities are documented by plant sociological relevees. Characteristic communities for the investigation area are: Atriplicetum tataricae, basal Community Carduus acanthoides- [Onopordetalia], Conietum maculati, Malvetum pusillae, Onopordetum acanthii, Panicum capülare Community, Salvio-Marrubietum peregrini and Sclerochloo-Polygonetum avicularis. The ruderal shrubberies are built up by Lycium barbarum, Sambucus nigra, Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudacacia.
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