Vorkommen und Verwilderung von Zierpflanzen in Dörfern dargestellt am Beispiel des westlichen Sachsen-Anhalt
The occurrence of wild growing ornamental plants was investigated in 15 villages in Sachsen-Anhalt. The stock of ornamental plants in the gardens and on the graves was also included. Altogether we found 268 cultivated herbs in the gardens and on the graves. 96 of them occurred subspontaneously in the villages. The most important region of origin is Europe (61,4 % of the cultivated species), followed by Asia (19,8%) and America (12,5%). 8 species are often planted and also occur frequently subspontaneously. 26 species are often cultivated but grow rarely wild. 4 species occur subspontaneously more frequently than cultivated. Cemeteries and unsealed areas in the villages are the most important structures and microhabitats for the subspontaneous occurence of ornamental plants. The effects of horticulture on the indigenous flora are finally discussed.
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