Flora des Bahnhofs Salzwedel
The flora of the railway station Salzwedel is remarkably high by having 255 species on an area of 0.3 km². Although for 40 years Salzwedel was in an unfavourable situation near the border of the former GDR, the Salzwedel railway junction has kept the usual central European species inventory typical for railway stations. With respect to the spreading of neophytes, the role of the railway has to be discussed more detailed whilest many short living species, which are often weak competitors, are spread by the railway, most of the neophytic perennial herbs as well as the alien shrubs are invading into the railway land from adjacent gardens. Because of the high ground water table numerous species of the Bidentetea and the Phragmitetea are to be found at the Salzwedel railway station.
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