Flora und Vegetation niedersächsischer Binnenhäfen
Häfen gelten ebenso wie Bahnhöfe als Einfallstore und Ausbreitungszentren fremder Pflanzensippen. Nach den 'klassischen' Arbeiten von ZIMMERMANN (1907), PREUSS (1929), BONTE (1930), HUPKE (1933) und SCHEUERMANN (1937) wurde die Erforschung der Hafenflora erst in den letzten 20-30 Jahren wieder aufgenommen: Bamberg (OTTO 1983), Bremen (u.a. GARVE 1986, BERNHARDT & HANDKE 1988), Frankfurt (SCHWEITZER 1957), Gelsenkirchen (HAMANN & KOSLOWSKI 1988), Hamburg (JEHLIK 1981, MANG 1984), Münster (RUNGE 1965, 1972a), Neuss (STIEGLITZ 1980 u. 1981) und Nürnberg (SAUERWEIN 1981). Über den Hafen Halle-Trotha berichteten SCHNEDLER (1977) und KLOTZ (1984), über die Flußhäfen der CSSR JEHLIK 1984), über die polnischen Oderhäfen SZOTKOWSKI (1978).
The present paper deals with flora and Vegetation of inland ports in Lower Saxony (FRG). In 1988 364 vascular plants were to be found in 10 ports. The frequency of the species is discussed. Above all the Vegetation of the ports is formed by plant communities of the Order Sisymbrietalia and the alliance Dauco-Melilotion. Among others the following plant communities are documented by releves: Setario-Plantaginetum indicae, Salsola kali ssp. ruthenica community, Bromo-Corispermetum leptopteri, Atriplex rosea community, Amaranthus retroflexus community, Atriplicetum acuminatae, Sisymbrietum loeselii, Senecio inaequidens Stands, Centaurea stoebe Stands, Filagini-Vulpietum, Calystegio-Archangelicetum litoralis. There is no direct correlation between the dimension of the inland port and the number of its species. A rich in species flora is above all depending on the loading of agricultural products such as grain and oil seed. The alien flora of the ports is, compared with former times, not so much developed; caused by changes in packing and transport techniques a further decrease is probable. Based on the present results it is obvious that the inland ports of Lower Saxony are of little importance to the spreading of aliens. Closing the spontaneous flora of various traffic facilities is comparatively discussed, whereby similarities between inland ports and railway stations are resulting. A list of all plants which are found till now in inland ports of Lower Saxony is given in the appendix.
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