Die Vegetation der Mauern und Mauerfüsse : Zur Kenntnis der Ruderalvegetation von Mallorca, Teil 1
The wall Vegetation of Mallorca is investigated and documentated by phytosociological releves. Beside Polypodietum serrati, Parietarietum judaicae shows also wide distribution. Further communities of the class Parietarietea like Capparidetum spinosae and Centranthetum rubri are of little importance. Still open is the phytosociological position of communities with Parietaria lusitanica or Cymbalaria muralis. The Vegetation at the base of walls is formed by communities of the order Chenopodietalia muralis, especially of Lavateretum ruderale. While the Separation between the classes Parietarietea and Asplenietea is to carry out very well, the definition between Parietarietea, und Chenopodietea seams problematically.
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