Asplenietea-Gesellschaften an sekundären Standorten in Mitteleuropa
Walls are the most important secondary habitats for Asplenietea communities in Central Europe. The ecology of wall plants is discussed in detail in this paper. The near of mountains and the surrounding of the wall influence decisively its species combination. A syntaxonomic classification is pointed out on the basis of some 600 phytosociological releves. The present knowledge leads to the following Asplenietea communities of walls in Central Europe: Asplenietum septentrionali-adianti-nigri, Cystopteridion, Asplenium ruta-muraria-Asplenium trichomanes community, Cheiranthus cheiri community, Parietaria judaica-Cymbalaria muralis community, Erigerontetum karvinskiani, Capparidetum inermis. They belong to the three Orders Androsacetalia vandellii, Potentilletalia caulescentis, and Parietarie-talia judaicae. Besides there are poor in species communities with dominant Asplenium septen-trionale, Cystopteris fragilis, Asplenium ruta-muraria, Corydalis lutea, Cymbalaria muralis, Parietaria judaica, or Antirrhinum majus.
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