Die Bedeutung von BiSON für die Forschungsregion Braunschweig - Wolfsburg - Salzgitter und ihre Bürger : Vortrag anlässlich der Festveranstaltung "30 Jahre BISON" am 25.10.2001 in der Universitätsbibliothek Braunschweig
Leading libarians of South Eastern Lower Saxony (Germany), 30 years ago, founded the library association BiSON (Bibliotheksregion Süd-Ost-Niedersachsen) for a better exploiting of the regional information resources. Members of BiSON are all types of libaries like university libraries, research libraries, public libraries and special libraries of museums, authorities and courts. Today some 50 libraries are cooperating in BiSON, which is unique in Germany. The paper deals with the history of BiSON and makes some proposals for the future.
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