Flora und Vegetation der Straßenränder von Mallorca / von Dietmar Brandes. (Zur Kenntnis der Ruderalvegetation von Mallorca, Teil 2)
The flora of roadsides on the isle of Mallorca consists at least of 414 species (= 31,2 of the regional species pool). The flora of the roadsides reflects the flora of the respective surroundings; there are as good as no species which spred along the roadsides. Aliens (21 species) are of less importance. The most important plant communities are documented by plant sociological releves: Resedo-Chrysanthemetum coronarii, Heliotropium europaeum-Digitalis sanguinalis community, Oryzopsio-Daucetum maximi, Dittrichia graveolens community, Hyparrhenietum hirto-pubescentis, Rubus ulmifolius-Smilax aspera community, Saxifrago-Sedetum stellati, Thero-Brachypodion.
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