
Der Einfluß der Ufermorphologie auf die Artenzusammensetzung an den Ufern der Mittelelbe zwischen Aken und Schönebeck

The comparison of pavements and natural banks of the river Elbe shows in parts, how the combination of species can change because of dredging the river and paving the banks. These pavements are grown with enduring, tolerant to dryness but resistent to overflow, often anemochore species of the class of Artemisietea and their permanent companions in higher frequencies. The natural banks of the river are characterized by hygrophil species of the classes of Bidentetea, Phragmitetea and Nanojuncetea. A decisive reason for the differences in the combination of species is the Variation in water supply of the structures of the river banks as described above. The lack of any motion of the substratum on pavements must be regarded of further importance. Instead of the shifting of the spectrum of species it is obvious, that also anthropogenely influenced banks are able to offer places for settlement.



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