
Notes on copyright issues

  • When publishing documents on LeoPARD, the copyrights remain with you, the authors.
  • We require written consent from you (PDF-Form 1: single publication) or (PDF-Form 2: multiple publications), so that your publication(s) can be published on LeoPARD and made available on the Internet.
    If necessary, please also obtain the consent of co-authors.
  • It is the responsibility of the author(s) of the electronic document to respect the copyright and exploitation rights of third parties.

    In the case of secondary publication aka self-archiving, it must be determined whether and under what conditions this is permissible.

    Many journal publishers allow the author to publish his/her own articles in advance as a preprint or in parallel as a postprint on an archiving server of the university ("institutional repository").

    To find out which publishers and journals grant authors this right, please refer to the SHERPA-Romeo-List for details and assistance.

    Braunschweig University Library will also be willing to assist you in checking your publications against the SHERPA list. If no information can be found there, your author contracts would have to be consulted, as the agreements between the publisher and the authors can be very different.

Please contact with any questions:

Mrs. Blanck / Mr. Kissler
E-Mail: ub-publikationsservices [at]
Telefon: +49 (0)531 391-5052