
LeoPARD - Terms of Use

The digitized reproductions will be made available under CC-license if applicable. All metadata from LeoPARD will be released under the CC0-license.
The content is made accessible under the conditions of the Policy for publishing in LeoPARD

In case of reproduction please cite the entire source reference (see below). Should you use any LeoPARD material on a website, please send us an e-mail containing a link to the corresponding page. We would appreciate being sent a copy of any academic publications in which LeoPARD material is included.


TU Braunschweig - LeoPARD + PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator) of the digital object

TU Braunschweig - LeoPARD, (DOI)
TU Braunschweig - LeoPARD, (URN)

OAI Interface for Metadata Harvesting: